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I was born and raised in Taiwan. My lovely mother was my first drawing teacher. I attended a special fine art class in my high school where I learned sketching, watercolor painting, pastel, Chinese painting, printing, and sculpture. Later, I studied drama and cinema, and film animation at university in both Taiwan and Canada.  

In the past 23 years I have been living in Montreal, Canada. Being an immigrant in a foreign land has given me an opportunity to experience a wide variety of flavors of life. These experiences have taught me about kindness and empathy. Gradually I started to understand that what I care most in life is my relationship with people and with the environment. Hence, I have decided, through my art works, that I would like to bring people joy, comfort, and light. I am hoping that my art works can share our common human feelings, as well as bring awareness to the plight of animals and help save the environment. 

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